Handwork Webinars
As physical workshops are not possible at the moment I have begun to present a series of Handwork Webinars. I will post the registration details and recordings here as soon as I have them. These webinars, and the recordings, are completely free. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see how you can support me to continue.
Upcoming Webinars
There are no webinars scheduled at present. You can subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of this page to receive information about webinars as they come up. If there is something you would particularly like me to include in a webinar, please let me know via the Contact page. The recordings of previous webinars are posted below.
Recorded Webinars
Preparing the Environment for Handwork.
With the help of my husband, I presented from my classroom in New Zealand so we could have a look at my handwork shelf as well as discuss ways to build a culture of handwork for both the students and the adults in the class.
It was meant to last one hour but I went a little over in all my excitement and still had so much I wanted to say! Here is the recording, I mostly talked from an elementary perspective but I hope there is some useful information for other age groups as well.
Preparing the Environment for Handwork - follow up
This quick videos shows you my solution to the problem of the perpetually messy sewing box in a Montessori classroom as promised in the webinar.
Wet Felting In Cosmic Education
In this webinar I introduce wet felting in both two and three dimensions and discuss ways to incorporate it in the Montessori environment at each plane of development.
This webinar raised $162USD for Educateurs Sans Frontieres. A huge thank you to all who contributed.
You can find links to the lessons I refer to and a list of materials here.
These webinars are offered completely free. The Zoom webinar function costs me $155USD per month. There is no obligation to contribute at all but if you are able to chip in a few dollars towards my costs, I would greatly appreciate it.
Any money I receive beyond the basic webinar costs will be donated to Educateurs Sans Frontieres. It would make me very happy to be able to donate to this wonderful cause as a result of my webinars. I will post the amount donated after each webinar.